06 May 2009


It seems almost seems comical that as I press thru the frustrations of emotional baggage and cycles, I feel as though I am doing the same physically. I have changed my eating to something minimal, low-sugar, low-fat as possible. I have increased my exercise to 2 hours daily. I am drinking my water. And I don't feel like it is having any affect. I am basically at the same weight I was 2 weeks ago. Aren't the pounds just supposed to melt off at first? The first couple of weeks should be the easiest.

I suppose I am seeing that emotional barriers as well as physical barriers are going to take some hard work. I am in for a fight. It is just that too many days, I already feel defeated. How is that going to change?


Wendy D. said...

Hi There...
I've been reading your blog for sometime. I really like it! But I think that this is the first time that I have commented. I have struggled with my weight, and have just found out that I'm allergic to a variety of things - dairy, egges, wheat, soy, peanuts, etc. Once I cut those things out of my diet, it is much easier to control my weight. It wasn't an issue of calories or exercise for me, but foods that my body couldn't process. Anyway, might not be the case for you - but worth checking out if it continues to be frustrating! Good luck.

Gretchen Noelle said...

Interesting Wendy. I wish they could find something like that for me! I really don't think there is much of an issue with allergies. For me there is definitely more of an issue with portion control and wrong food choices. I hope to improve.