04 May 2009


"Missions isn't just one of many programs or purposes of the church. It is the core, overarching, motivating logic for all that we do. A church neither exists for itself nor its parishioners, but for the kingdom and mission of God."

"The missional movement comes out of the desire to rebuild the credibility of the church by engaging and serving the culture."

It is interesting to think that this idea of being missional is something new. Ha! It is what Jesus did! He chose to become one of us in order to reach us. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Aren't we supposed to integrate with others in order to win them? It is amazing how separate missions have gotten from the core of the church. As if missions should be equated with the fall ice cream social at church. Sad really, but unfortunately way too true.

I guess this just rings true with me. I have seen the church get further and further away from being missional as the focus and turn inward to check itself and its numbers way too often. Sadly, missions seems to be becoming something of the past with too many churches.

I know I could go on and on about this particular subject. I will refrain.

Missional Church vs. Seeker Church
"Go out" mentality vs. "Come in" mentality
Typically smaller churches vs. Frequently large, mega-sized churches
Often in urban settings vs. Often in suburbs
Small budgets, few paid staff vs. Large budgets, many paid staff
Thinking holistically vs. Disparate progamming
More organic, bottom up vs. More corporate, top down
Priesthood of all believers vs. Difference between pastors & laity
Action & demonstration vs. Words & proclamation
Everything mission-oriented vs. Missions as one of many programs
Goal to grow "the" church vs. Goal to grow "my" church
Younger congregations vs. Older, baby boomer congregations

From Biola Spring 09

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