09 June 2006

What Am I Doing Here?

You know, so many times I would visit blogs and wonder, "Who has so much time that they are writing and posting things for no one in particular?" Seemed awfully strange to me. So what in the world would drive me to do the same?
I suppose I find it comical that after three and a half years those things that seem rather normal to me now do not seem as such to those who live "over there." Wherever that is! I guess I thought you might enjoy traveling through Peru with me and enjoying the many things I have learned to enjoy.
After three and a half years I have learned to adapt to the idosyncracies that occur daily. I have learned to adapt to thinking and speaking in different languages. (Really I don't even know which I am using at times, entonces lo siento si me equivoco y escribo en espanol en vez de ingles!) I have been here long enough to learn to love Peru, the people, the country, the food...everything.

So journey along with me as I continue to answer the question, "What am I doing here?"

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